Elections Division
State House District Voter List
No custom orders will be accepted, and no refunds are available in any circumstance.
The State House District Voter List is an electronic file that includes the date last voted for each registered voter in the state of Georgia.
The cost is $75 per entity. There are 180 State House districts in Georgia. Each individual district list is considered one (1) entity. If you are ordering multiple Voter Lists, you will enter the total quantity in the quantity box and in the Jurisdiction field you must enter the State House District name(s) of each entity you are ordering.
For example: If you wanted to order voter lists for State House District 1 and District 2, you would enter the number “2” in the quantity on this page and then, in the “Jurisdiction” field, you would enter “State House District 1 and District 2”.
Normal production time is 1-2 weeks upon receipt of order. The State House District Voter List file will be provided to you electronically.
Please add voterlists@sos.ga.gov to your address book to avoid the email being blocked by the firewall or going to spam. It will be sent to the email addresses associated with your account. The file will contain a password protected link.
By law, voter registration lists are available to the public and contain the following information: voter name, residential address, mailing address if different, race, gender, registration date and last voting date. The State House District Voter List does not include telephone numbers, date of birth, Social Security number or Driver’s License number. The State House District Voter List includes Active and Inactive Voters.
The pricing is set by the Secretary of State office.
This data may not be used by any person for commercial purposes. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-225 ( c )
In accordance with O.C.G.A. § 21-2-601, any person who uses the list of electors provided for in O.C.G.A. § 21-2-225 for commercial purposes shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.