Professional Licensing Board
Verification Order Page
Applications submitted over 20 years ago have been destroyed based on the agency's retention schedule and may not be available for expedited processing. We can confirm that an individual met all requirements required for licensure at that time that the license was issued in the State of Georgia.
To request a verification please provide your name as it appears on your Georgia license. You must also provide your Georgia license number. Please include the license number exactly as it appears on your Georgia license.
Our verifications provide the following licensure information:
- Licensee name
- Type of license
- Method obtained by (examination, reciprocity, endorsement, grandfathering etc…)
- License status
- Exam history
- Exams scores
- Public Board orders (disciplinary history)
- License Issue Date
- License Number
- License Expiration
- Degrees Held
The information above is the only licensure certification information provided by this Division. If additional information is required that is not provided on a verification of licensure that information must be obtained by the licensee from the agency or individual which generated the information.
Application files are not released with verifications. To request an application files or filed documents be released may require Board approval and a separate request be submitted to your professions Board office.
The Professional Licensing Boards Division does offer expedited services for faster processing. Please account for travel time if your verification is sent via standard mail. Recipient state agencies or accrediting services may advise additional processing time once your verification has been received. Our expedited services only guarantee for the production and departure of your verification from our office.
Verification orders are processed and fulfilled Monday – Friday during regular business hours. Expedited services are not available on weekends or holidays. Expedites purchased on holidays or weekends will be worked in the order received at the start of the next business day.
Expedited Services Pricing:
14 business day processing: $35
3-5 business day processing: $75
1 business day processing: $150
Emailed verifications are sent with an encryption service to ensure your sensitive information securely leaves our office. A brief registration process is required for new recipients. You may wish to confirm if your recipient is able to accept encrypted emails that require registration.
Please confirm with your recipient if faxed or emailed verification's are acceptable prior to purchase.
You will receive an email notification when your Verification has been processed.
IMPORTANT: ALMOST ALL STATE LICENSING BOARDS WILL NOT ACCEPT A VERIFICATION FROM A LICENSEE; VERIFICATIONS ALMOST ALWAYS MUST BE SENT DIRECTLY FROM GEORGIA’S PROFESSIONAL LICENSING BOARDS TO THE RECEIVING STATE, NOT TO THE LICENSEE. Policy prohibits licensees from receiving electronic (emailed or faxed) copies of their professional license verification. A licensee may request a printed, mailed copy of their verification be sent to themselves. Mailed verifications are printed on tamper-proof security paper which prevents duplication. A verification mailed to the licensee is sealed with a “Do Not Open” disclaimer. Opening your verification prior to providing it to your state board or accrediting service may invalidate the document. Policy also prohibits mailed copies to licensees from including personally identifiable information such as exam scores, school names, and examination dates; if this type of information is required, the request must be sent to the licensing board to review and vote to approve the release of the information to the license holder.